dal 24 al 26 Marzo 2022 - Giovanni XXIII Congress Center - Bergamo

Descrizione Corso

At the end of the course, the attendees should be able to

  1. Fully understand nasal anatomy, including new anatomical concepts relevant to rhinoplasty, such as ligaments and planes of dissection
  2. Correctly analyze common and less common nasal deformities preoperatively
  3. Formulate an adequate pre-surgical plan, so as to achieve consistent and predictable results
  4. Depending on their previous level of experience, appropriately perform the basic steps of open rhinoplasty, as well as a wide variety of current techniques and modifications of varying complexity
  5. Select reproducible, predictable and appropriate algorithms for specific problems in rhinoplasty
  6. Understand current issues in tip and dorsum surgery and master recent related techniques to improve results, including specific osteotomy/osteoplasty concepts
  7. Understand the indications, concepts and practice of “Preservation Rhinoplasty” under the open approach.
  8. Understand the advantages and complications of  “Preservation Rhinoplasty” compared to “Structural Rhinoplasty”
  9. Understand the value of new instrumentation in rhinoplasty, including power tools and piezo
  10. Understand, recognize and treat functional issues in rhinoplasty
  11. Understand, prevent, recognize and correct complications in rhinoplasty
  12. Understand current techniques of varying complexity in secondary rhinoplasty, including use of finesse rib grafting and innovative current modifications
  13. Understand and apply the correct indications and practice of medical rhinoplasty

Programma Corso

Prodotti Consigliati

Strumenti per la Chirurgia Plastica.

Design e finitura degli strumenti chirurgici Bontempi sono appositamente studiati con lo scopo di aiutare e migliorare il lavoro del chirurgo, nella costante ricerca dell’eccellenza.